Ergebnis der Suche nach Thema
Zum Thema Byron, George Lord wurden 244 Einträge gefunden.
Thema | Komponist | Titel | Bemerkung |
Byron, George Lord | Gährich, Wenzel | Lieder | |
Byron, George Lord | Arditi, Luigi | "The Corsair" - Oper 1846 | |
Byron, George Lord | Arnell, Richard A. S | "Lord Byron" - Sinf Dchtg op 66 1952 | |
Byron, George Lord | Arnell, Richard A. S | "Lord Byron – A Symphonic Portrait" op 66 1951 22' | |
Byron, George Lord | Bach, O | "Sardanapalus" - Oper 1860 | |
Byron, George Lord | Bahatyrou (Bogatyrev), A | "Manfred" - Suite f Kl | |
Byron, George Lord | Bahatyrou (Bogatyrev), A | "The Two Foscari" - Oper 1940 | |
Byron, George Lord | Balakirew, Mili A | "Hebräisches Lied" (Lermontow nach B.) f G u Kl 1859 | |
Byron, George Lord | Banfield, Raffaello de | "Ein Liebesbrief von Lord Byron" - Oper (T. Williams) UA 1955 | |
Byron, George Lord | Bantock, Granville | Lieder | |
Byron, George Lord | Barthe, A | "The Bride of Abydos" - Oper 1865 | |
Byron, George Lord | Bellermann, J.G.H | Lieder | |
Byron, George Lord | Bennett, Richard Rodney | Elegie "Lady Caroline Lamb" f Va u Orch (nach B.) | |
Byron, George Lord | Bennett, William Sterndale | "Parisina" – Ouv f Orch | |
Byron, George Lord | Berg, Natanael | "Leila" - Oper 1908/10 | |
Byron, George Lord | Berlioz, H | "Harold en Italie" f Va u Orch op 16 1834 45' | |
Byron, George Lord | Berlioz, H | "Le Corsaire" - Ouv f Orch op 21 1844 | |
Byron, George Lord | Berlioz, H | "Sardanapalus" - Kant 1830 | |
Byron, George Lord | Bishop, Henry Rowley | "Manfred" - Dramatic Poem UA 1834 | |
Byron, George Lord | Blaramberg, Pavel I | "Die Welle" - Oper (nach "Don Juan") 1902 | |
Byron, George Lord | Bovery, J | "Leila - Le Giaour" - Oper 1839 | |
Byron, George Lord | Braga Santos, Joly | "Manfreds Tod" f Str 12' | |
Byron, George Lord | Brian, Havergal | "Lullaby of an Infant Chief" f Ch op 10 1906 | |
Byron, George Lord | Bronsart, Hans v | "Manfred" - Sinf Dchtg in 5 szenischen Bildern f Orch UA 1901 | |
Byron, George Lord | Bruch, Max | 3 "Hebräische Gesänge" f Ch, Orch, Orgel op 48 um 1888 | |
Byron, George Lord | Bush, Alan Dudley | 3. Sinfonie "Byron-Sinfonie" f Bar, Ch u Orch über die "Ode auf den Tod Byrons von Dionysos Solomos op 53 1959/60 | |
Byron, George Lord | Busoni, F | 2 Lieder f G u Kl op 15 1883/4 | |
Byron, George Lord | Cahen, Albert | "Le vénetien" - Oper 1884/5 | |
Byron, George Lord | Caplet, André | "Myrrha" - Kant f 2 Soli, Ch, Orch 1901 | |
Byron, George Lord | Carse, Adam | "Manfred" - Prelude f Orch | |
Byron, George Lord | Castelnuovo-Tedesco, M | "Two Byron Songs" f G u Kl 1941 | |
Byron, George Lord | Chávez Ramírez, Carlos | "So We'll Go No More a Roving" - Nocturne f Ch 1946 | |
Byron, George Lord | Chiaromonte, Francesco | "Manfredo" - Tragedia lirica 1853 | |
Byron, George Lord | Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel | "Land of the Sun" f Ch op 15 1897 | |
Byron, George Lord | Cortesi, Francesco | "Corrado il corsaro" - Oper 1849 | |
Byron, George Lord | Cowen, Frederic Hymen | "The Corsair" - Kant f Ch u Orch 1876 | |
Byron, George Lord | Cui, César | "Wie an ein einsam Grabmal" - Lied op 86,20 1913 | |
Byron, George Lord | Dargomyshski, Alexander S | "Der Gruß" (Kozlow nach B.) f G u Kl 1837 | |
Byron, George Lord | Delmas, Marc | "The Giaour" - Oper 1928 | |
Byron, George Lord | Delvincourt, Claude | "Lucifer" - Mysterium (nach "Cain") 1948 | |
Byron, George Lord | Denev, Ljubomir | "Cain" – Opera Mystery nach Byron 2002 UA 2005 | |
Byron, George Lord | Diamond, David | "Hebrew Melodies" (Byron, Gordon) f G u Kl | |
Byron, George Lord | Dmitriev, Nikolai D | "Laß mich" - Duett mit Kl um 1885 | |
Byron, George Lord | Donizetti, G | "Il diluvio universale" - Oper (D. Gilardoni nach Bibel, Byron, Ringhieri) UA 1830 | |
Byron, George Lord | Donizetti, G | "Parisina d'Este" - Melodramma (Romani nach B.) UA 1833 | |
Byron, George Lord | Donizetti, G | "Marino Faliero" - Oper 1835 | |
Byron, George Lord | Droste-Hülshoff, Annette v | "Sonne der Schlaflosen" f A, T, Baß | |
Byron, George Lord | Droste-Hülshoff, Annette v | "Wenn ich träume" - Lied | |
Byron, George Lord | Dunvernoy, Alphonse | "Sardanapale" - Oper (Berton nach B.) 1882/92 | |
Byron, George Lord | Dupont, Gabriel Edouard Xavier | "Myrrha" f Ch u Orch (F. Bessier nach "Sardanapalus") 1901 |