Ergebnis der Suche nach Thema
Zum Thema Eros / Erotik / Sex wurden 116 Einträge gefunden.
Thema | Komponist | Titel | Bemerkung |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Adams, John | "Eros Piano" f Kl u Orch 1989 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Alessandro, Raffaele d' | "Eros" - 4 Lieder (Mélodies récitées) op 15 1937 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Andriessen, Louis | "Garden of Eros" – 2. StrQu 2002 12' | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Antoniou, Theodore | "Eros" (Sappho, Alkaios u.a.) f Ch u Orch 1990 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Baird, Tadeusz | "Erotyki" - 6 Gesänge (M. Hillar) f S u Orch 1961 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Bate, Stanley | "Eros" - Balett 1935 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Belamaric, Miro | "Drei erotische Tänze" f Orch | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Berg, Naranael | "Die Wut des Eros" (G. Fröding) f Bar u Orch 1907 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Blet, Stéphane | "Suite érotique" f Kl op 110 15' | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Boman, Petter Conrad | "Laura - Erotiska Sanger" (Beskow) f G u Kl 1832 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Bonhomme, Andrée | "Erotik" f V u Kl op 70 1931 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Borboudakis, Minas | "Erotikon – Tanz und Bild" f Orch UA 1996 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Borboudakis, Minas | "A Brief Moment of Extreme Tunderness and Some Erotic Promise" f Orch | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Bréville, Pierre Onfroy de | "Eros vainqueur" - Conte lyrique (Lorrain) 1905 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Bruzdowicz, Joanna | "Erotyki" f Kl 1966 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Carafa de Colobrano, Michel | "L'Orgie" - Ballett (Coralli) 1831 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Chatzidakis, Manos | "Der große Erote" (Elytes, Myrtiotissa, Kabaphes, Sarantares, Gatsos, Solomos, Sappho, Chortatses, AT, volkstümliche Dchtg) f 2 Soli, Ch, Orch 1972 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Chausson, Ernest | "La Sulamite" (Richepin) f S, FCh, Orch | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Ciglic, Zvonimir | "Erotikon" – 3 Lieder (Barbusse, Oblak, Golia) f T u Kl 1946 7' | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | D'Ase, Dirk | 7 "Erotic Songs" f G u Kl 1989 10' | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Dannström, Isidor | "Erotische Schwärmerei" f BlechBlQuint | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Davico, Vincenzo | "Poema erotico" f Orch 1913 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Debussy, Claude | "Chansons de Bilitis" (Pierre Louys) f G u Kl | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Decoust, Michel | "Sept chansons érotiques" f S u Kl 1986 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Dimler, Anton | "Das Lustlager" - Ballett 1786 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Eggert, Moritz | "Wide Unclasp" - Zyklus (Sexton, Shakespeare) f G u JazzEns 2003 60' | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Esplá y Triay, Óscar | "El sueno de Eros" - Sinf Poem f Orch 1904/31 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Fedele, Ivan | "Morolòja kè erotika" (Montinero) f S u StrQu Ua 2011 20' | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Fenzl, Helmut Friedrich | "Sonata erotica" f StrQu 1991 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Ferrari, Luc | "Pornologos" II "réalisable érotique" - Verbalpartitur 1971 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Ferrari, Luc | "Sexolidad" f 15 Instr, Spr, Tb 1982/3 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Ferrero, Francisco | "Erotica" f S u Git 2008 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Finke, Fidelio F | "Eros" - Kant f S, T u Orch UA 1966 40' | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Foerster, Josef B | "Erotikon (Fallersleben, Stieler) f G u op 23 1895/6 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Foerster, Josef B | "Die Masken des Eros" f Kl op 98 1912 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Fribec, Kresimir | "Eros" - Ballett 1982 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Galindo Dimas, Blas | "Letania erótica para la paz" – Kant (Álvarez) f Soli, Ch, Orch, Tb 1965 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | García-Alcalde, Guillermo | "Erótica" – 3 Lieder (A. Quevedo) f G u Kl | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Giraud, Suzanne | "Regards sur le jardin d'Eros" f StrQu 1983 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Glass, Philip | SchM zu "After Eros" (Hwang) 1996 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Gotovac, Jakov | "Moments érotiques" f MCh u Kl op 6 1920 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Grieg, Edvard | "Eros" aus 5 Lieder v O. Benzon op 70,1 1900 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Grieg, Edvard | "Erotik" aus "Lyrische Stücke" f Kl op 54,5; dss arr f Orch v M. Spicker | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Grieg, Edvard | "Poème érotique" f Kl op 43 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Grisey, Gérard | "Solo pour deux" f Klar u Pos | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Guerrero Marín, Francisco | "Erotica" (Ben Quzman) f G u Git 1976/81 6' | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Hadjidakis, Manos | "Magnus eroticus" (García Lorca) f St.n u Ens | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Harvey, Jonathan | "Angel/Eros" (Harvey) f S u StrQu 1973 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Hatze, Josip | "Eros" - Lied (Begovic) f G u Kl 1907 | |
Eros / Erotik / Sex | Haydn, Joseph | "Eros aeternum" f Ch, Str.Bc mit Orgel G um 1761/9 |